Tuesday, September 29

The Lovely Blog Award!

I'm so excited! My blog... this goofy little thingy here... got an award!

*dances around her living room to Mary Chapin Carpenter*

An award, and award, and award! It's called the Lovely Blog Award! It looks like this:

It was sent to me by the fantastic Anitra of If Mama Ain't and I was one of 15 winners.

And so, since I have been awarded said award, I must now go and award this award to other people who are most deserving... of this award!

(I'm totally obsessed with the word today, lol)

Now, I'm supposed to choose 15 more, but I don't have that many blogs followed yet! So, I'm taking looks at lots of other blogs and seeing who's got what going on. I've added quite the number! I can't wait to dive right into all of them, too :D


  1. Well I don't have a "lot" going on, but I'm here! :) Thanks for the shout-out....I appreciate it. And I know for certain that you can't be talking about the actual design of my blog as LOVELY...it's very, very bland. But I don't bother changing it....that might say something about me. Oh well. Happy Tuesday!

  2. Thanks so much! What a cute blog you have!

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Thank you so much! You are the nicest!

  4. Congratulations on your award.

    Stopping by from SITS to say hi and welcome! I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers :-)

  5. Hi, stopping by from SITS! Congrat's on your award!
    I hope you'll come by and check out my giveaway going on!

    Nana's Box

  6. thanks for stopping by! congrats on your award!

    deployments are hard, no way around it.

    but ... we're over halfway done! he should be home by thanksgiving. (happy dance!)

  7. That's awesome, Tara, I'm so glad!

    And for everyone, you're so welcome! It's amazing to me that I can be on here, talking to perfect strangers, and feel so welcomed by them all... that's part of giving you the award :P


So... tell me what you think. Good or bad, plus or minus, negative, positive, irrational...

Go for it :D